<bgsound src="http://www.ijigg.com/songs/V2BFBCGCPAD" > My Big Big Adventure: Drinking with good friends

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Drinking with good friends

There's a Chinese sayings that goes "when you found a good friend to drink with you, even you have drunk 1000 glasses, it is still insufficient"酒逢知己千杯少. That's how I described my encounter with my buddies, YZ and HJ.

I do not know how my dear buddy, YZ, came up with an idea with drinking his dad's precious white wine, a 2002 French wine which I do not remember the name. I guess he just need some buddies to drink with this lonely boy for a change. But I must say, nothing beats the enjoyment of a delicious drink with a good friend like YZ and HJ.

Because good things are meant to be shared.


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