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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Regulated Architects (professionalism)?

I have spoken to one Architect, C, whom he mentioned attended a seminar about regulated architect and its related professions. He mentioned that construction industry has its loop holes. Where? Yes, government is looking into regulated architects, regulated developers, regulated surveyors and what not. However, one point missing for a poor quality project would be the contractors and its people themselves, which I would say 90% are unskilled labour. It can be detrimental to the image of the company, and a confidence shaker to the buyers, as negative sentiments set in.

We can have the world greatest architect to design the grandest structure of the world, but with the downliners doing shoddy work, it can end up being a third-grade product.

It is always easier said than done.

Government regulated policy is to ensure that all the necessary planning stage is at its top most performance, but forgotten that ultimately it's still the labours that needs to be taken care of. Training - train, untrain and retrain is the key success factor in turning unskilled labour to skilled personnel.

This is just one example.


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