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Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sensitivity of Religion

This is not my favourite topic, in fact, I dislike to discuss this in public.

I still remembered a Japanese once asked me about my religion and I was taken aback, especialy when it is coming from a stranger. Due to my lack of command of the language, I just smiled. It's not their fault to ask, since it is due to differences in the system of respect of other's people's culture only.

Yesterday during the Chinese New Year visiting to my colleague's home, I was dragged to a dinner gathering at his mother's in-law. Guess what? A church cell-group gathering. In fact, I don't mind going to this kind of gathering, for I believe there are many different things to learn from these group of people (which I did). The only thing which I disfavour about would be the "pushy" factor involved.

Freedom of religion should be observed. I do not understand why people have to be coerced into something out of their unwillingness. It's not right.

I am not sure it's because of the Malaysian thing of keeping mum about religious discussion due to its sensitivity; or it's just being used to living harmoniously without thinking too much of our religious difference.

With the recent anger of Muslims following the publication of controversial caricatures of the Nabi Muhammad in Denmark; the non-stop fighting of Israel & Palestine or India-Pakistan; all these kept me thinking. Is our differences caused life and death situation to arise?

Sometime, in a way, I think Malaysia approach to respect and live harmoniously in a multi-racial and multi-religious country has its pros, in fact, more pros than its cons. A thumb-up to the government, for its effort in restoring peace to its current state, after June 13, 1969 incident.

Everytime people discuss about religion, I have this shiver sent down my spine. Fear. Fear of the unknown force out there somewhere, I guess.

That's why religion is perplexing and complicated, yet remained mysterious and sensitive to all.

I just hope the world will remain as diversed as it is, but with more respect and care.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!
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5:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
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5:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
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