I think you could imagine that people are always going on diet all the time. At least giving them excuses to keep in shape and look good.
The reasons I would go on diet (and it happened to me in these situations):
- Health (signal from body of possible pain/ illness);
- No money to spend (when I really broke with only RM20 shows in my bank account for a prolonged period);
- Eaten too much for a period of time;
- Recession;
- Exhaustion and excessive physical tiredness (don't feel like eating);
- Exercise regularly (exercise makes you shed extra fat);\
- Always occupied with activities (forget about eating);
- Lousy food at home (sometimes);
- Low food supply (remote places);
- Laziness of going out in a hot day/ rainy day;
- Peer pressure to stay in shape (it worked initially, but doesn't last cos I don't care that much after that).
That's my reasons, what's yours? Do share them at the comment box, I would love to learn them.