<bgsound src="http://www.ijigg.com/songs/V2BFBCGCPAD" > My Big Big Adventure: September 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008



  • Wax 小腿:將wax紙貼在兄弟們的小腿上,然後大力撕開wax紙;
  • 喝 “甜酸苦辣”飲品:裏頭包涵西瓜、蜜糖(甜)、檸檬、醋(酸)、瓜 (苦)、辣椒、wasabi(辣);
  • 吃湯圓:有餡湯圓,裏頭可以包wasabi或是辣椒;
  • 將冰山劈開:將大門的鑰匙結冰,然後把那個冰塊和其他的冰塊放進容盒要兄弟們找並開門;
  • 内褲洗禮:兄弟們把有字體的紙内褲穿上,然後要他們跑遍整個大廈還有拼字;
  • 找老婆:將原先新娘和他的朋友的個體拍成照片,讓新郎猜。要是猜不中,兄弟吃wasabi;
  • 瑜伽鍛煉:請兄弟們看圖做瑜伽好鍛煉身體;
  • 練習腰力:將井繩棬在兄弟的腰間,另一端綁上一根大根的香蕉或蘿蔔。然後要他們前後擺動。
  • 吃辣椒wasabi麵包:營養豐富早餐,刺激味覺;
  • Lady and the Tramp:要兩位兄弟將香蕉的各一方吃近中心;
  • 愛的證明:為兄弟們凃上口紅,然後請他們吻在心型卡片上以表達新郎對新娘的愛意;



Chinese Wedding Helper Must-know

Recently, been helping my friend's at her wedding receptions and also the morning tea ceremony (Chinese wedding). Here are some of the observations I have gathered in a checklist which may (or may not) work for you:

Supportive and Sporting Parents
This one cannot really help much. But good supportive and sporting parents could make the event much fun and great laughter could be shared.

Pre-requisite: Encourage your parents to be supportive and have them involved. If you already know they are not keen on fun activities, make sure you do not enforce such fun activities, which could be taxing on them. A nice and quiet event would best suit your needs.

Sporting "heng dai" (brotherhood on the groom side), aka best men
You need these people to chaperon the groom to bring back the bride and her entourage. Most importantly sporting enough to play the awful evil games that were put on by the playful ji mui before the groom is allowed to pick up his bride.

The role of these people also involved to shelter the groom from any damaging done upon him, like during "yam seng" (go round tables on toasting), Heng Dai need to be by the side to drink on behalf of the groom and support him when he is drunk.

Pre-requisite: Make sure you can stand being played or made fun of. If not, please do not volunteer yourself and become a "victim".

Playful "ji mui" (sisterhood on the bride side), aka brides maids
You need these people because they are good in playing pranks on the groom and his entourage. However, they serve as good helpers in ensuring everything during the wedding reception till dinner time runs smoothly. Highly responsible duty.

Pre-requisite: Have to be a fun person with crazy ideas, and thick skinned to play pranks on others (beauty can be added advantage, but not necessary). Yet, highly responsible with the wedding reception to ensure good flow of wedding itinerary in place.

Delightful "dai kam jie" (Mak Andam, or the ceremonial spokesperson)
Dai Kam Jie, a famous bubbly character which the Chinese family likes to engage during tea ceremony. This cute lady is dressed in red, could sing and dance and speak multiple Chinese dialects to suit the occasions. Always have good words to share with the audience. Normally, the skills of the dai kam jie is put to test during the tea ceremony. Usually engage through word-of-mouth from friends and family members.

Pre-requisite: Find a dai kam jie which is humorous, then everyone will be in delightful manner. And, this will help make the environment more lively and fun.

Professional Photographers and Videographers
They will ignite a magic touch to your finest moments. Get the best and a few to cover every aspects of you on your big day!

Pre-requisite: Find photographers with good portfolios. To save money, some of your friends who have experience with professional photography would do the trick.

Enjoy your moment!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Controlling Wife

I have recently got to know that a friend's wife has conceived their first child. Till now, it has already been five months now.

Tonight, we are throwing a bachelorette party for my girlfriend who is getting married next week, but my friend had to bring his wife just to get out of the house to meet us. I can't say I have known the wife of my friend for long, but I know that when my friend said that to the organizer, it only means one thing: stay home with me and not go out and see your friends for fun.

Furthermore, I think it would be inappropriate to go out in a pub with loud music for expecting mothers. Overall, it is not a very responsible thing a mother would do. I guess maybe it is because insecurity of staying home alone that resulted my friend would need to be at home with her, depriving him from having fun once in a while (we don't go out often).

Well, 家家有本難念的經, for outsider like me, I could not really judge what is happening in their household. But I am sure, a jolly guy needs to be free once in a while. Just hope that his controlling wife would come to her senses and let the leach goes loose tonight.

Wedding Bells

This weekend, being the last weekend of the eighth lunar month, and also Ramadhan, is also another celebration for my friends who are getting married. First of all, congratulations to you, Meng Chong (high school classmate); and Sharon (MBA classmate), who are having their wedding dinner on 27th and 28th September respectively.

Wedding march is coming, so does the burning-the-pocket sensation for many who are attending. Anyhow, friends, do not despair, because you get to wish the groom and bride happily married, enjoy good food, go well-dressed, and also get to see pretty girls and handsome boys, enjoy the show, and most importantly get to see your long-lost old friends whom you have not been in touch with. What a deal!

After this hectic week, next week comes another wedding dinner of a dear friend, June (smartie).

Congratulations and wish you happiness in your marriage, dear friends!





Sunday, September 21, 2008





Mini Bas

After searching for the mini bus photo, I realised there are other people who enjoyed a ride on these little creatures 10-15 years ago before Intrakota (now Rapid KL) replaced them in 1997.

I used to enjoy the ride on these mini buses. To me as a consumer, these mini buses' service were incredible. I must say they did provide speedy (I could get to KL town center within 15 minutes from my home; while Intrakota takes 30 minutes) and prompt service. It's a shame that the government has ceased their service, given excuses of reckless driving, and internal rivals. In fact, it was also a reason to bring in business for Intrakota as a sole government-linked bus operator besides other more competitive ParkMay and Metrobus. What is wrong for having a healthy competition among themselves as bus operators?

After mini buses operators were put out of business (which those mini buses operators owned those buses and worked as sole proprietors), many of them have their buses convert into Bas Kilang or school buses. Some of the drivers and ticket collectors have moved to Intrakota or Metrobus for job opportunities. In the end, the more competitive ones are sucked into the inefficient system of our transportation. What a waste of talent!

Bas Mini ~ those were the days

Oh, I still missed the good old days of our mini buses. I still remembered vividly the shouting from bus driver and ticket collector "masuk lagi, masuk lagi", even though the bus was jam-packed like sardines in the can. I sometime wanted to beat the time, and had to resort to standing at the stairs by the door. It's dangerous, but it was also an exciting experience. Because it is real packed, sometimes we have to beware of pickpockets.

Also, for school-going kids, I also enjoyed discounted off-the-book price, like 30 cents (normal price 50-60 cents), which you can never get on a full-fledged Intrakota. Furthermore, if you frequented the same bus over and over, the bus driver and ticket collector would recognise you. And, if you need to ride somewhere away from the bus stops when you see the bus coming, these good-will bus drivers would stop where you hailed them. Those were the personal touch you cannot experience now.

These unforgettable experiences I have had during my encounter with mini buses are very memorable. I can still reminisce with good smile on my face. Ah, those were the days~

Martin Luther King, Jr "I Have A Dream"

"And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today!

I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today!

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."

This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with.

With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

And this will be the day -- this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning:

My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.

Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride,

From every mountainside, let freedom ring!

And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.

~ Martin Luther King, Jr. "I Have A Dream" - August 28, 1963, Lincoln Memorial

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I am scared!

I learnt just now that AIG may be in trouble. And I know I have bought insurance from AIA, which is part of AIG. What will happened to AIG? The Federal Reserve is going to announce their decision to save this big giant by 2:15 am news (Malaysian time).

I hope to hear some good news, as I in need in one now.

I am just so scared~

Monday, September 15, 2008





Saturday, September 13, 2008




我知道要使文筆進步神速,就要多寫還要多閲讀才可以累積心得。從此我也了解文筆的流暢是件很重要的使命。也就因爲這樣,我為部落格的歡迎而開始了我人生至今的記錄,以我簡單的詞彙構成我現在的含蓄部落格。除了滿足自己的鍛煉下筆成章的欲望, 也可以把自己的生活點滴與他人分享。一舉兩得。








  • 拾起朋友丟棄但是還可使用的東西;
  • 收集可賣錢的東西,例如舊報紙、鋁罐、廢鐵;
  • 廢物利用 -- 把不要的東西改裝一下變成全新的有用物;
  • 可以把兒時玩具和遊戲和朋友一塊兒分享;
  • 把不要用到的電源関掉還有關緊水龍頭;
  • 走路去旅行。到附近走走看看有沒有新發現,順便和近鄰促進關係;
  • 衣服可以多穿幾天直到很臭了才換;
  • 刻意去百貨市場選吃食物試吃和拿食物樣本(sample)回家;
  • 去宗親會館聯誼會、政府機構的招待會和節日慶典、或是股東大會上大吃一頓;
  • 找一些 “sold as it is” 和 “low priced items”。有時還要跟黃臉婆aunty爭個你死我活;
  • 跟朋友借最近熱門劇集看。最好是在他家裏看,可以把電流都省下;
  • 接駁隔壁的無限上網服務;也可去購物中心免費上網;
  • 厠紙可以重疊再折重復使用。還可以到公厠去取紙;
  • 搭順風車來返家。有男朋友的,可以順理成章叫他接送;
  • 免費贈品一一不放過;

以上是作爲參考之用。可能有兒童不宜的因素,千萬不要有樣學樣。適時取好捨惡。除非是逼不得已情況,否則後果自負。如果你有更好的省錢妙方,不妨在留言箱子裏填寫你的 good idea 以便參考。謝謝。











Thursday, September 11, 2008

Coffee Cheesecake

Creamy full coffee flavour cheesecake

Finally, my experimental coffee cheesecake has been served. The aroma from the coffee is so tempting, that I am sure coffee lovers would just sunk their teeth in immediately.

The topping is full with cream with Kahlua cofee liquor, hardened with gelatine. The coffee cream smells just like the brewing golden roast, and the base is crunchy biscuits filled with ground Almonds.

It is definitely a great dessert for a person with a sweet-tooth and coffee lover. Once you have a bite on this softy, it will melt you instantly. Go try making it yourself and taste the creamy dessert during coffee break!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


我們在日常生活中所看到的家變故事都是香港或是台灣劇集裏的故事情節。雖然沒有遇上這不幸的事情,不過對這樣的故事也不是沒有共鳴,大家還是會為那些受欺負的弱小女人抱怨或是喊打不平 (通常故事是女人不好命啦)。就好比最近的港劇《家好月圓》還有之前的《溏心風暴》,大家看得非常投入,感覺自己也置身在劇情裏頭。什麽是家變?相信每一個人的定義也有所不同。可是,仔細看一看,通常劇情的故事背景都是和錢有著莫大的關係。是錢在作怪。




Political Change in Malaysia

In recent political turmoil happening in Malaysia, there is no peace at the moment. Everyone is on wait-and-see mode. Also, with Bukit Bendera Datuk Ahmad Ismail recent statement of provoking racial issues and party separation, it is really posing a serious problem around.

My rationale by looking at Datuk Ahmad's behavior, I suspected that he may be one of the person who would be likely to jump ship to the Pakatan. Because my rationale to his behavior is that maybe he wanted BN to suspend him and he is then a free man to join any party to his liking. But, to me, this man would not be a long-lived as politician, as does not deserved to be. What a shame to the name of politician!

Roots: where leaders in search of "wealth" by sucking poor of people; Branches: cronies who benefited from the sucking

My colleague who has been following the political movements from unofficial sources shared an interesting analogy with me. He told me that political party is like a big tree. The people is the water or nutrients in the soil, and the roots function is to suck the most out of it to benefit the branches and leaves on the trees. To me, whoever is leading the way, the same shit story still applies.

Don't get me wrong. I am not into politics, just find it the instability actually affected me deeply. Now, I am like the others, looking forward to see how Anwar Ibrahim is able to change from seats from red to blue on 16th September. Let's hope the stability will come sooner before it gets any worse.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Surau, be quiet

Recently, my neighbourhood Surau has started operation, especially it is in time for the Ramadhan. Last Friday, when the Surau is in operation, I had a shock of my life when I was awaken by the loud sound of some Ustaz singing away in his prayers in the middle of the night. My gosh, the loud speakers were so loud that I leaped from my sleep that very instant! I wonder if a person with a weak heart could take it.

I have read articles from our Muslim friends, Ustaz or the religious teachers, and understood that the Islamic religion is about tolerance. It is unacceptable that this practise of intolerance could happen in beautiful country such as Malaysia. I am in doubt of the sincerity and the practises of such unbelievable means.

But after that night, the Surau seems to quiet down from its regular piping. And I am really appreciate what our neighbour Malay community has done to make it work for everyone. Thank you for your consideration.

Besides, there are already three to four Suraus with great loudspeakers that alarm everyone every morning in the vicinity, why add in another which create not music but noise to everyone around the vicinity? To me, practising a religion is between you and your God, not about "bragging" it out loud to everyone without much consideration to others.